Step 8

Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.


  1. Review your Step 4 Inventory.
  2. List those that you affected or harmed by your resentment, fears, or sexual conduct.
  3. Willing to Amend? Think especially of those that you need to make amends to. If you are willing, put Yes.
  4. Type: Direct or Indirect. If you directly affected them and they know it, put Direct. If you affected them indirectly and they don’t know it, put Indirect.
  5. Letter: If you are not willing to make direct, face-to-face amends, but you are willing to write a letter you will never mail, put Letter here and then Done when you complete it.


  1. Read Step Eight in “Step Into Action”
    • Highlight anything that hits you deeply
    • Write a word or two in the margin as to Why?
  2. Read Members of SA Share in “Step Into Action”
    • Highlight anything that hits you deeply
    • Write a word or two in the margin as to Why?


  1. Read Step Into Action Step Eight in “Step Into Action”
  2. Start working on your own Step 8 Inventory
    1. Option 1 – Make your own on paper
      • You may follow the directions and make your own inventory on paper.
    2. Option 2 – Print PDF
      • Go to the Step 8 Files folder below
      • Open the file “Step 8 Spreadsheet – Template.pdf”
      • Print as many copies as you need
    3. Option 3 – Use Excel spreadsheet (requires Excel or similar app)
      • Go to the File Versions link below
      • Click on Download under the file
      • Go to your Download folder on your computer
      • Doubleclick the Zip file to extract all the files to a folder of your choice
      • Open the file “Step 8 Spreadsheet- Template.xlsx”
      • Save your work to your own filename or into a different folder.


The files for this step are shown below in PDF format. To find files in Excel, Mac, or Google format, check the File Versions page.

1 e56440e411 Step8 acabb02512

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