Truth & Lies

This is a presentation I did on this subject at the Winter Fellowship 2020. I am posting that material here in case it helps you in your thinking and recovery. The tables are also found below. Click on the sections at the bottom.

The Early Lies

These seem to be the ones that we notice right away. They operate on the surface of our lives and we (and others) seem them quite easily.

The Core Lies

These lies live more at the core and have been there a long time. They have influenced me for so long, I don’t always see them. I can detect them from my behaviors that show that they are operating underneath.

The Deep Lies

These are the deepest lies. They are hard to detect. They probably feel like my default operating system. But even that is broken.

Drives and Needs

This table shows the process where I have a drive that is because I have a need and what I often run to in order to satisfy that need.